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Archiving Bombay Dost

Bombay Dost is the first gay magazine launched in 1991, with Ashok as the Editor. Over two decades later Ashok is archiving his collection of books, magazines and photographs.

Contribute to Digitising Bombay Dost. Ashok promises to meet all contributors online in December 2023 or sooner if goals are meet before then.


Digitising a magazine for an archive is a complex and time-consuming process that requires careful planning and attention to detail. It’s essential to adhere to best practices for preservation and access to ensure the long-term viability of the digital archive.

Digitising a magazine for an archive is a complex and time-consuming process that requires careful planning and attention to detail. It’s essential to adhere to best practices for preservation and access to ensure the long-term viability of the digital archive.

Preparation of Physical Magazines:

  • Inspect and clean the magazines to remove dust, dirt, and other contaminants.
  • Repair any damaged pages or bindings to ensure they are in the best possible condition.

Metadata Creation:

  • Develop a metadata schema to describe each magazine’s content and context, including titles, dates, authors, and other relevant information.
  • Create a consistent naming convention for digital files and folders.


  •  Scan each page of the magazine using the chosen equipment. Be sure to scan at a resolution appropriate for preserving the content, typically 300-600 DPI (dots per inch).
  •  Save scanned images in a lossless format, such as TIFF, to maintain image quality.
  •  Organise scanned images into digital folders by issue and ensure filenames correspond to metadata.

Image Processing:

  • Perform image processing tasks, such as cropping, rotating, and adjusting colour balance, to enhance the quality of scanned pages.
  • Apply OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to convert text on scanned pages into searchable, selectable text.

Quality Control:

  • Review scanned pages and OCR results to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  • Correct any errors or issues arising during the scanning and OCR processes.

Digital Preservation:

  • Create backup copies of the digitised magazines and store them securely.
  • Implement digital preservation strategies, including metadata preservation, to ensure the longevity of the digital archive.

Content Management System (CMS):

  • Implement a content management system or digital archive platform to organise, search, and retrieve digitised magazines.
  • Ingest the digitised content into the CMS, associating metadata with each magazine issue.

Accessibility and Distribution:

  • Develop a user-friendly interface for accessing and searching the digital archive.
  • Consider providing access to the digitised magazines through a website or a dedicated portal.
  • Ensure compliance with copyright and intellectual property laws, obtaining necessary permissions for copyrighted materials.

Long-Term Maintenance:

  • Establish a plan for ongoing maintenance, including regular checks for data integrity and format obsolescence.
  • Update metadata as needed to improve searchability and relevance.

Promotion and Outreach:

  • Publicise the availability of the digitised magazine archive to researchers, scholars, and the public.
  • Seek feedback from users to make improvements over time.


  • Keep thorough records of the digitisation process, equipment used, and any changes or updates made to the archive.

We aim to raise funds for an Archivist/Researcher + scanning + software = USD10,000.00

Letters of Support

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Contribute to Digitising Bombay Dost. Ashok promises to meet all contributors online in December 2023!

1990 Vol 1 No. 2
1991 Vol 1 No. 1
1991 Vol 1 No. 2
1992 Vol 1 No. 3 & 4
1992 Vol 1 No. 5 & 6
1993 Vol 2 No 3
1993 Vol 2 No. 4
1994 Vol 3 No. 1
1994 Vol 3 No. 1
1995 Vol4 No. 1
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